Excited? Hope So. But this will not be a walk in the Park, There are enemies all around you. But you have a weapon that is so powerful that when you learn how to wield it nothing will be able to defeat you. The word of God is no lightweight in this spiritual war. It is the creator of worlds and also the creator of you and me. For God spoke all things into existence and just by the power of his words, He has changed billions of hearts to seek him and receive the Grace he gives freely to all those who will have him in their lives.


You have taken the first major step to Change your life for the better and also to preserve your life for the future to come. In this new season in your life you will face many trials in the spritual and in the physical, lets start wiith the physical. Your flesh…Yes the very flesh you are living experiencing the world thru is a entity of it own. it wants things, things that you been all to happy to give yourself as rewards or just because you felt you deserved it. those habits are still there and you will need to fight some of them off, some have completely disappeared by the blood of Christ some will try to work themselves back onto your life, just because you flesh can go with out for a period of time doesent mean your flesh is about to do a 180 on all the things you allowed it to have throughout the years, if you do happen to sin in a piticular area and find your self crying and saying how could this happen, we serve a merciful God who forgives and has an abundance of grace to shower you with. Our main objective is NOT to PRATICE that sin, we all have fallen short of the glory of God, but we must not continue as normal as we have done before receiving the gift of salvaton through the blood of Christ Jesus. We are to pray and ask for forgiveness, and try with the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome. Some sin habits are harder to break than others and require time, some may even take years. Why? thats our next topic.


The Spritual War. as you fight the physical war against you own flesh, there is another war going on at the same time in the spiritual relms. in this war we have unclean spirits or also called demons trying to get you back in the fold of your prior self. They bring people like your friends to discourage you out of your new found faith to make you think that a life without God is better. They may bring up things of the pass and all the fun you had during that time to convince you to leave God. Personally speaking that is one of the hardest areas, because those friends will begin to distance themselves from you and you will find that you no longer want to do those thing you once did, this is the evidence of a new heart for God and your desire to draw closer to him. as far as those friends they will be distant and also your own family will turn away from you. Your choice to walk with Christ comes at the price of leaving the world you once knew for what seems like a uncertain and lonely life. If you notice this then you will be able to relate to Christ as he also was rejected, beaten and died for us, so that we would have a better life with him. In all he went through he was able to identify with humanity and all we would face as we chose to follow after him. and this is the reason the demons hate you more now than ever because they lost you to the one they hate and the fact that you are now with him they will do things to get you to sin and when you do sin, they will make you feel like you not worthy of God’s gift. their sole purpose is to get you back in line with the world so you end up in lost forever in hell with those who may once walked with God then turned away and those who wanted nothing to do with God.


Welcome to the Family. lol, but in all seriousness this is why the state of the world looks so bleek in recent times. the enemy is speeding up their efforts to claim as many people as they can before the return of Christ. So you have an understanding of some of the things you may face. and why these things are happening to you. Christ life wasn’t easy and now that we identify our lives in him our walk may not be as bad as what Christ went through but it wont always be a walk in the park either. May your days be blessed and our lord protect yor path through the world we live in for the time we are here. Amen.

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His precepts gain rich understanding. His praise endures forever!”

Psalms 111:10