Life After Death.


      Many people struggle with the concept of a thing no one has seen or at best very few have come back to warn about. But for those who have heard the stories of hell rather lug around their doubts because it is more comforting than having to deal with the tough question, But where does that kind of limbo leave you? At the very core of the matter is a truth that no one living can run away from. It’s that one day we will no longer inhabit these bodies that we use to interact with the things of this world. We will have to come out of it. Mathew 8:28-34 tells of the story of Jesus being confronted by a man possessed with a legion of demons that have taken complete control of his body speaking walking and all other functions. And as they dwelled in the man’s body they lived in total rebellion against God. The actual spirit that was to be in control of the body was overtaken by those demons who occupied it with him. It took the power of Christ to remove those unclean spirits so the owner could have control over the body that was rightfully his. So Jesus sends out the demons and they go into a herd of pigs nearby…..Stop!   Notice that when they left the man’s body they did not cease to exist. those unclean spirits were moved by the power of Christ from the man into the pigs. But also take note of the dialogue before they were cast out of the man and ran straight off the cliff to drown in the ocean. They asked Jesus about a future date of judgment that they must face which gives a hint of no matter who or what they indwell or not inhabit they must stand trial. which means as it’s been a long time since that time that, that event has yet to take place and that even without bodies they still live in the spirit. 

      When you leave this body you don’t simply disappear into nothing thinking we leave the pains of this world behind. For many, it will be the beginning of unimaginable pain. Jesus was giving us the reader a look behind the curtain of things to come and to expose the reality that is that we still exist after we leave these bodies. I mean where do you think scientists get the idea to try and cheat so-called death by transferring ones spirit aka conscience into some AI machine in the attempt to live in this plane of existence for longer than allowed. The bible makes it quite clear that the spirit that you are is in control of your body that you currently occupy. So if the conclusion is that you continue to exist when you leave the confines of your body then where do you go?  I came across an illustration about electricity that may expand on this. No one has ever seen it but we know it exists because whatever device we plug into it comes alive, so in a sense, electricity could be viewed as our spirit and whatever device we put electricity into would be the body so when you unplug said device (body) from electricity (spirit) the device stops working but the electricity is still active and flowing. Jesus spoke extensively on things of the spirit vs. things of the flesh. In the end, we will all rejoin all the spirits that have ever lived here on earth and all those who have always been in the spirit world where God resides.


     Unfortunately, though we will all be back in the spirit world many will not partake in the beautiful life of the spirit world that awaits those who belong to Christ. That is because Jesus also spoke about two different paths in the afterlife. One that continues on with the fullness of life we have yet to experience and another not so pleasant. A life apart from God for those who reject the type of lifestyle that comes from accepting the Lord Jesus Christ here and now and do not accept the gift of the new life in exchange for the life of disobedience will be turned away from the reward that awaits those who will hold on till the return of Christ. My aim is to try and break your mind out of the illusion that this is all the life you have to live and there is nothing more. This life is a prequel to the things to come for the few who hold to the teachings of Jesus. We both good and bad people get the same amount right now. We both get a chance at living another day filled with all the provisions of that day whether it be food, shelter, work, down to the very air we breathe. This is God’s grace & mercy on all people everywhere so that people will recognize who cares for us in the here and now and realize that we are against God and his ways so that we would find him and turn from our selfish ways and be part of the new life. It is something only you can choose. Without Christ, in your life, you will be excluded from everything the new life has waiting for those who have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior over their lives.  ~ End.