Jesus Is Coming! But When?


      This has been the question for generations, and many generations like ours think that we are in the last days. but unlike those times we have scriptures that are being fulfilled in this day and age that didn’t take place in the ages before, But I don’t want to get hung up on signs of the times as yes they are important and they are to be recognized as the things that Jesus spoke about that would begin to happen as his return draws near. So when is Jesus coming back, I don’t know. I think a more relevant question is how will he find me when he comes back? lots of people think that if they are a good person (whatever that means) that you will be accepted by the Lord and whisked away to live with him forever. That’s all wishful thinking and why wish when you can know for sure. you see as the many people who came before us dealt with the same things we deal with today. you have a class of power that wants to rule the world and every class thinks they can do a better job than the last guy so the people of the day are always stuck in the middle of those who want to control the world, and in doing so that makeup up rules of conduct on how the society should live. And this is where the problems begin. Moses is known as the lawgiver. when he went before Pharaoh to demand that the nation of Israel be set free it took 10 plagues before the leader of Egypt set the people free. Moses was at the time was challenging Pharaoh’s authority and everything that society stood for at that time and without war. Can you imagine going to a president and demanding the people to be free? without God, it doesn’t happen we see how leaders are quick to pull out weapons in a show of strength to protect the way we live depending on the region you live. But all the laws man makes up are contrary to the things of God. After the exodus, God lead the people into the wilderness and gave them the 10 Commandments, a set of laws that would establish his people that would walk with him that could easily be identified by how they carried themselves.

     You may be asking yes I know the story or thank you for the back story but how does this answer the question about Jesus coming back. I’m glad you asked, In those laws is the imprint of God’s image in your life a sort of stamp that says who you belong to as you go about your life carrying yourself in accordance to the things of God, just like depending on where you live in the world there may be things you can do in your country that you cannot in other countries. So that leads us to the question that was posed above about ‘How will he find you?’ is it starting to come together for you? The Law that was giving is like a homing beacon for Christ to find those who belong to his government called heaven. So we live here in foreign lands all over the world, will be found by Jesus when he returns because that’s who he is coming back for. He’s not coming back for any other people. Now you might say well that’s not fair. but it surely is,  the people who hold the ways of God and his Government while they live on earth will already have the skills to live in heaven because they gave up the lifestyle that people live on earth, so if your living life according to the government of earth how will Jesus find you? you don’t have any of the characteristics that the people who follow God have. thus the term Left Behind. God didn’t ask you to be good by your standards, it is God’s standards and ways that were given to Moses then given to us all to adhere to as we await his return. this means Repenting of a life that goes along with what everyone is doing that goes against God and getting serious with seeking God, reading his word, and getting to know him, because he already knows who you are. But whether he acknowledges you when he returns is in your hands. 


     So you might be saying Ok I can understand that but what about the people who have died already? Good question. But I have one for you, Why does it matter to you? Do you stick your neck out for the people who are alive? Do you help a person who may be in need that you don’t know, will you go the extra mile to see that they are ok before you set off on your way? No? so what can we do for the dead, This is the scary part because without Christ Blood covering over your life that is your fate and it is sealed, and what awaits you on the other side is like nothing you could have ever imagined and if you are saying I’m just trying to scare you I hope you are scared and really giving this real thought. because you will be terrified for eternity a never-ending horror show because you decided like all those who came before you that they didn’t want God’s goody-two-shoes government called heaven and therefore you won’t be part of it. God created Adam and Eve (Humankind) to live in peace and harmony with all the other things he created in the universe with order and structure about it. The reality about it is that YOU may go to see the Lord before he’s great return like so so so many people before you. your life will be recorded in God’s books, you will either be found with the imprint of God Law’s and Ways written on your Heart or not. And if you are found not to be a citizen of heaven (call it a passport of sorts) you will not enter the City or Government of Heaven that Jesus is the ruler and King of. So for the matter of when will Jesus Returns, EVER EYE WILL SEE HIM RETURN Revelations 1:7. No one will miss it because every knee will bow and give him the respect as a king should have. (Just a quick insert) when you read it you will come across a part where it say’s “even those who pierced him on the cross” this is to let the reader know you don’t just disappear when you die. you just leave this plain of existence called earth. Everyone who has ever died from the earth is either with the Lord or somewhere very far from anything that has to do with God’s People and Things. It’s your Choice ~ End.