Grace & Mercy


      I often think about God’s mercy, I mean really compared to humans we rarely show mercy to people for the things we call little offences like someone doing us wrong that creates deep scars in our lives, betrayal of friends, business partners falling out over money. lies between family members, you get the idea. But compared to the things we have done to God, Murder, plots to ruin lives, fornication, homosexuality, using the name of God in vain. you never hear anyone say “Oh my satan” like the world we live in uses “OMG” frequently as it does. Just because everyones doing it doesn’t mean we should also. We, I included do something every single day whether knowingly or unknowingly to sin against God and it doesn’t have to be something action-based, because that’s where we like to look first to judge ourselves and say I haven’t done anything to sin against God… what about a thought, a secret lust, ill will towards someone with a smiling face, ahhh yes there’s a lot of things we harbor on the inside which are a true representation of who we are while putting up a front for the world. and it is in those secret places that God sees us for who we really are. In Matthew 5:28 it says “but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. And in Mark 7:20-23, describes where every action starts or is born.. “What comes out of a person is what defiles him. For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.” So though your secrets may be safe from people, it is the condition of our hearts that matters to God.

      And this leads us to God’s Mercy. we may sometimes hear people say if I were God, I would have gotten rid of such and such or a group of people and be done with them. Have you ever thought that it is you who is that person or of that group of people?  hmm makes you think right. According to the word of God we all are those people who are deserving of all the penalties and judgment of God’s wrath, but we are still here out of his mercy that we would come to the realization of how we been so wrong about who we are, thinking that God can’t see right through us and into the deepest things in our hearts. there is a scripture that always comes to mind when I think why am I still alive and it comes from (Psalms 8:4-8) “What is man that You are mindful of him” that line alone brings my eyes to welt up with tears knowing I should have been done away with in my early years of life before I came to know God and came to know the sin debt I was in and could not pay back. This brings us to Grace with all the mercy God has shown me it has come at a cost of him being patient with me. God has extended his grace to all people everywhere, while so many people are unaware of his grace living life being preoccupied with trying to become successful or the distractions of the tons of streaming services with entertainment to take you away from boredom, his gift of another day to live life is the very mercy of his grace that one day you may realize how you have sinned against God and to ask for forgiveness for the life you’ve been living and has been against everything Christ died for. It is Christ bearing the full weight of our sin so that we might be made righteous of God in Him (2 Corinthians 5:21). 


     The time of Grace & Mercy will pass away one day to usher in a new era of God’s kingdom here on earth the way is was ment to be when he created Adam & Eve. this world and everything that belong to it will persish along with the people that love this world and refuse to let go of the life that are tethered to with the sin they refuse to acknowledge and repent of. the Lord Jesus is coming soon. but remember you may go see him first, if you do go to see him first without the acknowledgement of sin you may be happy at first followed by grief and diispair as you are taken away from being with the Lord forever. But it will not just be unbelievers but some beleivers as well, those who thought they were being saved but nothing in their lives reflected the image of God as they lived here during their time here. Nobody knows when Christ will return but ask yourself this. What do you think would happen if he showed up right now? If you had to think about the quality of your life just now. I suggest it”s time to stop playing around, and as the phrase goes “Get Right” with the Lord before he returns or,  you are the one who goes off to see him first. ~ End.